Moleskin, Blister & Abrasion Tapes

FindTape offers a slew of practical sports medicine bandaging tapes and abrasion tapes for a variety of athletic applications. This selection includes adhesive moleskin, blister treatment and prevention products, multi-purpose hospital tape and abrasion tape designed to protect the skin from abrasions and aid in blister recovery.

The non-woven abrasion tape is designed to secure bandaging and protect elbows and other high-friction areas from irritation. FindTape has the appropriate athletic tape for your unique needs, whether you need silk-style hospital tape or hypoallergenic bandaging tape.

Product Applications:
  • Protecting the skin against high-friction areas
  • Aiding in blister recovery via area protection
  • Ankle stirrups
  • Securing bandaging
  • Anchoring wound dressings to the skin
  • Protecting elbows on synthetic surfaces
  • Patellofemoral taping
For multi-purpose use, we recommend stocking up on Jaybird & Mais 15 Multi-Purpose Hospital Tape. This silk-style cloth hospital tape is often used in clinical settings for a variety of reasons thanks to its excellent adhesion and consistent unwind tension, which allows it to be easily dispensed and applied. Moleskin tape is similar but is often designed to protect high-friction areas because it offers a remarkably strong yet soft cotton satin material. This type of tape is also regularly used for area protection to safeguard wounds, blisters and more from abrasions and environmental damage.

Our selection also includes performance-grade abrasion tape that's excellent for applications such as securing bandages and anchoring wound dressings to the skin where conventional tape is undesirable. This tape is 100 percent latex-free and comes in 2-inch wide, 4-inch wide and 6-inch wide options. You can purchase bulk athletic tape from to ensure that your hospital, clinic or athletic facility is well-stocked with top-of-the-line first aid tapes and medical tapes. We're happy to supply low-priced hospital tape by the case or roll with excellent discounts.

If you're looking for an adhesive product or tape to do a specific job, try our Advanced Tape Finder. This tool allows you to narrow down your search based on adhesive type, removability, peel adhesion, thickness, and other specifications. You can also visit our Shop by Department page to find the best tapes for your specific application or industry.

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