Painters Tape

No paint job can be completely effectively without painters tape. This type of masking tape has become the gold standard for any kind of paint job. It ensures that painters can achieve clean, perfect lines without causing any damage to walls or other surfaces.

Besides that, it can be used for a wide range of other masking tape tasks, so it's quite the handy tool to have on hand. Painters tape is a must-have for any personal, business or industrial setting due to its affordable price yet convenient applications.

One of the great benefits of working with painters masking tape is that is can be applied to so many different surfaces. In addition to traditional dry wall, most painters tapes can also be adhered to wood, glass, aluminum, plastics and vinyl. It even conforms to uneven surfaces well so that paint can't seep in. Furthermore, the tape can usually be left on for days or weeks and still be cleanly and easily removed with no damage to the surface below.

The following are some of the many uses for painters masking tape:

Product Applications

  • Masking surfaces for effective paint jobs
  • Hanging poly sheeting
  • Color coding and identification
  • Holding, banding, bundling, and binding
  • Protection of surfaces during construction, sanding, mold and asbestos abatement, etc.
  • Silk screening
  • Picture framing
  • Decoration, arts and crafts
  • Manufacturing and industrial applications
  • Securing tarps and other protective coverings

One things that customers should consider with painters tape is whether they want a masking tape dispenser for painting jobs they have planned. A paper tape dispenser for painting can make application of the tape much easier. However, it's important to read the instruction for these dispensers thoroughly since the dispenser alone may not guarantee proper adherence. It's always a good idea to carefully press painters tape into place by hand even after using a dispenser to ensure that it is fully adhered to the wall.

Find a great selection of affordable painters tape by top brands like Shurtape, Nashua and 3M Scotch when you shop online at FindTape.

If you're looking for an adhesive product or tape to do a specific job, try our Advanced Tape Finder. This tool allows you to narrow down your search based on adhesive type, removability, peel adhesion, thickness, and other specifications. You can also visit our Shop by Department page to find the best tapes for your specific application or industry.

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